20 Aprile 2022

Forti venti hanno colpito lo Stato di Arakan (Rakhine) e i campi profughi Rohingya a Cox’s Bazar, in Bangladesh, danneggiando rifugi e case e provocando almeno una vittima in Arakan.Intanto il ministero della salute militare, ha annunciato i requisiti per i viaggiatori stranieri che entrano in Myanmar. Analogamente alla Thailandia, Read more…

20th April 2022

Strong winds hit Arakan State (Rakhine) and Rohingya refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, damaging shelters and houses and causing at least one victim in Arakan.Meanwhile the military ministry of health, announced requirements for foreign travellers who enter Myanmar. Similarly to Thailand, those who are vaccinated will be “free” to Read more…